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Shenzhen Guangzhibao Technology Co., Ltd

회사 세부 사항:

브랜드 : Light-Bo
종업 원수 실 : >230-250
연간 매출 : 50 Million-80 Million
설립 년도 : 2006
PC를 내보내기 : 70% - 80%

Shenzhen Guangzhibao Technology Co., Ltd is an innovative and fast developing company, a professional designer,manufacturer and service provider in LED optoelectronic components and LED lightings fittings.

Since the founding of our company , Light-Bo have been paying great attention to the scientific research ,technoilogical development and personnel training ,rely on science and technology ,focus on the energy saving,committe to product and technology innovation ,carry out technology support and cooperation with domestic universities and foreign professional insitutions actively,Keep pace with the trend of world technology development,Continuously introduce advanced industrial equipment and the newest technology from the developed countries in America and Europe,Create a professional team with professional level and skills, to improve product quality and  production efficiency,make more and better products realize industrialization ,and make it serve the public .

With excellent product quality,thoughtful and excellent service,we have won the wide recognition and praise from customers,we have become the approved vendor for many famous domestic and foreign enterprise.